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Saturday the 21st of September 2024 03:17:10 AM

December 28, 2005

Stumble It!Dr. Paul LaViolette

Filed under: Paranormal — Eric Ptak @ 1:40 am

Dr. Paul LaViolette was on Coast to Coast AM. He is a scientist who ises astronomy, the tarot, Hopi Indian legends, and other ancient myths and religions to correlate with his scientific studies to state that

At the closing of the last ice age our ancient ancestors endured one of the most lethal global catastrophes to have occurred in the course of human history. Intelligent minds of those times thought it imperative to construct a message that would endure through time and be understood by the descendants of those who survived. Employing sophisticated cryptographic puzzle techniques similar to those modern astronomers use in designing extraterrestrial communications, they created a time capsule message that described the elusive celestial cause of this tragic disaster, alerting us that it could recur at long intervals and arrive at Earth’s doorstep virtually without warning.

This ancient cipher is today displayed in the heavens in the form of the 12 zodiac constellations (Greek / Egyptian / Babylonian versions), its informational content having been passed down orally in the lore of astrology. Also certain esoteric keys were handed down to help unlock its message, the Sphinx being one and the Tarot being the other.

Quite frankly, the guy reminds me of Immanuel Velikovsky. He wrote a series of books back in the 1950′s about how Venus (the planet) was blasted out of Jupiter. Velikovsky used Biblical text and ancient mythology to support his claims. I read one of his books years ago, and while the idea was intriguing, I couldn’t swallow it.

It’s the same thing with LaViolette. Claims of cosmic destruction wrapped in ancient mythology. Now I agree that the ancients did not have a command of what the universe is and how it works. I would be remiss to say that we currently have the ability to understand the inner workings of the known universe. So it does make a little sense that ancient peoples would create stories to try to describe what was going on around them. There are the Norse myths, the Greco-Roman myths, Buddhist and Hindu myths, Amerind myths, and the genesis stories in the Bible and Dead Sea scrolls. Thay are all similar attempts to explain what happened that caused everything to come into being.

But where I think LaViolette falls off of the wagon is when he starts going on about elder alien races using pulsars powered by neutron stars and crop circles to contact us. That’s a little much for me.

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