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of Mental Meanderings

Saturday the 21st of September 2024 05:56:54 AM

February 4, 2006

Stumble It!The Jokester

Filed under: Fun Stuff — Eric Ptak @ 6:19 pm

I’m one for jokes. I can be counted on for telling everyone a different joke every day, and it’s a rare day when I don’t have a joke to tell. Some are racier than others, some are stupid, some are doofy. Bt this week, there were a few good jokes going around:

A Guy walks into his living room carrying a sheep wrapped in a blanket under his arm. His wife was sitting on the couch watching TV. He said, “This is the pig that I sleep with when I’m not sleeping with you.”

His wife replied, “That’s not a pig, that’s a sheep, you dumb ass!”

He responds to her, “Shut the fuck up! I wasn’t talking to you.”

That one elicited a hearty belly laugh from everyone I told.

Then there was one that was somewhat timely:

Q: How can you tell if the US Post Office is hiring?
A: The flags in front are at half-mast.

That one got a lot of groans. One lady friend of mine, after I asked the question part, reprimanded me, saying , “You know, half of my family works for the post office.” I said, “Sorry”, feeling embarrassed. “Didi you hear about the guy who walked in with the sheep . . . ? Later when I saw her, I called her over to formally apologize, she started laughing. She said she wanted to see how I’d react. It was an honest bust. So I finished telling her. She laughed.

A third joke involved lawyers:

A guy walks into a bar and has a few drinks. After about five drinks, he stands up and yells out, “All lawyers are assholes!”
The bar quiets down, another guy from the other end of the bar pipes back, “I object to that!”
The first guy snapped, “What, are you a laywer?”
The second guy responded, “No, I’m an asshole.”

Then, there was the picture I was passing around, a parody of “Brokeback Mountain”:

Dumbfuck Mountain, starring George Bush, Richard

Funny shit. And you wonder why I have my other blog?

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