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of Mental Meanderings

Saturday the 21st of September 2024 09:50:27 AM

February 12, 2006

Stumble It!Kakuro

Filed under: Fun Stuff — Eric Ptak @ 11:06 pm

Kakuro is the latest in a string of Japaneze puzzles/games to hit the world. This one is like a crossword puzzle, but instead of interlocking words, you have interlocking numbers. The “definitions” are numbers located on black squares, and the numbers in the “word” must add up to that number. There can be no repeater numbers in a “word”. The first one I tried took me about 3 hours to finish, which considering how long crosswords take, isn’t that bad. I’m sure after some practice, it will eventually gett ot a point where I will be able to solve the puzzles in less than a half hour.

I like kakuro better than sudoku. While the logic is similar in both, kakuro seems more challenging. It also seems like there can be more variants, whereas with sudoku, there are only a limited number of puzzles. After all, why would there be numbered puzzles if there were an infinite amount of puzzles?

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