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Saturday the 21st of September 2024 09:46:16 AM

May 20, 2005

Stumble It!Missing Recruitment Goals

Filed under: Politics — Eric Ptak @ 8:34 am

I was listening to “On Point” on my local NPR station. The show was about the recruiting shortfalls that the military is experiencing. I was laughing, because they were going into all these esoteric reasons why the shortfalls were occurring: the image of the military, decrease in income, etc. While these all have some merit, if you look at when the shortfalls began occurring, you’d notice that they started when the war in Iraq started. To me, it’s a “Doh!” type reaction.

I started mentioning to people who supported the war that they should have their kids, or they themselves should join to help diminish these shortfalls. After all, if they supported the war, they should be willing to join the army to prove their support.

Funny how no one has taken me up on the offer.

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