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Random Recordings
of Mental Meanderings

Saturday the 21st of September 2024 12:25:50 PM

June 27, 2006

Stumble It!Flag Burning???

Filed under: Politics — Eric Ptak @ 8:09 am

So, I get up this morning, and I’m listening to the news on the radio as I get ready for work. I hear a story about how the US Senate is only one vote short of passing a bill for a Constitutional amendment outlawing flag burning. Last week, the US House of Representatives passed similar legislation.

Flag Burning?

This is the most important fucking thing that Congress can be making laws about?

I’m not even going to go into the so-called issue here, because there is no issue. This is just a cheap attempt at trying to get votes and support for the mid-term elections.

It’s for morons like these that I spent six years in the Marine Corps defending this country?

What the fuck is their problem?

We have a multi-billion-dollar deficit that is only getting worse. Why not fix that?

New Orleans is a long way from being fixed. Why not fix that?

We have a terribly expensive and dysfunctional health care system. Why not fix that?

Usama bin Ladan has not been captured. Why not fix that?

People’s wages are not keeping up with the rate of inflation. Why not fix that?

Oil and chemical companies are not cleaning up toxic waste sites they created. Why not fix that?

The US creates more pollution per person than any other country in the world. Why not fix that?

People can less and less afford higher education for their children. Why not fix that?

I could go on, bringing up issues that are far more important than flag burning. I could be writing for six hours and still not even make a dent in the number of issues and problems more important than flag burning.

That’s all these idiots can think about is outlawing something that has happened, what, maybe five times this year alone? If each occurence happened on different days, that’s an event that occurs on less than 3% of the days of the year. If five different people burned flags, that would mean that less than 0.000002% of the people in the USA have done this in the last year. That’s less than two millionths of a percent of the American public have burned flags. This is such an important issue that we need a Constitutional amendment outlawing it?

Give me a break.

I should send these morons a bill for all the money in taxes that they have wasted.

Flag Burning.

What a fucking joke.

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