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Random Recordings
of Mental Meanderings

Saturday the 21st of September 2024 07:34:03 AM

August 15, 2006

Stumble It!Watching Watches

Filed under: Fun Stuff,Random Recordings of Mental Meanderings — Eric Ptak @ 8:09 am

I remember when I was a kid, everyone had a watch, and I mean everyone. Women, men, grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, even other kids. It was a cool thing when you were old enough to wear a Timex. You had your every day watch, the dress-up watch, maybe even a church watch emblazoned with a cross. Hell, at one time, I had five watches myself.

THat changed for me about three years ago. I was getting ready for work one day, and noticed on my cellphone, there was a clock. On my computer, there is a clock. On my desktop at work, there is a clock. There are clocks everywhere. Why did I need a watch? So, I stopped wearing one.

I noticed yesterday, not many people wear watches anymore. Perhaps, in yet another way, I am a trendsetter.

So as you go about your day, take a look, and see how many people wear a watch anymore. I think you’ll be surprised.

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