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Saturday the 21st of September 2024 05:46:31 AM

December 24, 2006

Stumble It!A Week with a Cold

Filed under: Health — Eric Ptak @ 4:16 pm

I absolutely hate being sick. That’s why I avoid it at all costs. Unfortunately, this week, I was in the throes of a nasty cold.

Saturday Dec 16

I go to donate platelets. My iron levels are low, so I was deferred. I thought it was odd, that a guy has low iron. I said something to the nurse: “I’m not being sexist, but isn’t it a bit odd for a guy to have low iron in his blood?” She replied that it could be a result in a change in diet (lots of potlucks at work) or perhaps I was coming down with something. I should have listened.

I stopped at the Central Library and borrowed Gothika and Red Dwarf: Series 1. I’d never seen Gothika all at once, and I always liked Red Dwarf. Picked up chinese, and went home.

I spend the rest of the night working on the family website, as Invision just came out with an upgrade for IP.Board, and listened to the Sabres lose to Ottawa. Other than that, it was pretty uneventful.

Sunday Dec 17

I went to the Bills game with my friend Paul. We caught the Metro, which is a great deal. It’s $7 round trip. You leave downtown at 11:30, and by about 12:15, you are at the stadium, right across the street from Gate 5. After the game, it was a quick walk, and a half hour after the final whistle, we were on our way. Didn’t have to worry about traffic, or nothing. It was nice.

It was a great game, with the Bills slaughtering the Fins 21-0. The seats were beautiful: on the 30 yard line, visitors side, Row 36, scoreboard side. I was two steps down, and five seats in from the entrance to the stands. Beautiful seats: you are high enough to see the whole field, but not so high that you have to take an oxygen tank with you to the game. And except for the rain, I had a good time. It wasn’t that cold, but the wind was a little rough at times. I did get a little wet, but not as bad as I expected.

After the game, Paul and I went to the Pearl Street, and had a few beers, and went home. I didn’t feel too bad, just a bit of a headache. I think it was caused from having a beer at the stadium. They need to clean their lines. They really really need to clean their lines.

Monday Dec 18
I spent the entire day in bed. My brain felt like it was being stabbed by a thousand needles while someone was dousing it with gasoline and lighting it on fire. I was running a temperature. I had the chills. I had aches and pains all over my body. My sinuses were clogged, and my chest hurt from congestion. Coughing fits turned into gagging like I was going tho toss cookies. It was all I could do to drink some water, so there was nothing to toss anyway. I slept practically the entire day, and I don’t remember even getting up to use the john.

I didn’t drink enough at the Bills game to have a hangover, so I don’t think that was a contributing factor. I had three bottles of beer before the game, two beers at the game, and a couple afterwards. All in all, I think I drink more coffee and water in a normal day than I drank for the Bills game. I think the illness was just a result of coming down with a cold in conjunction with sitting in the rain for several hours than anything else.

Tuesday Dec 19
More of the same, except that I slowly got better as the day went on. By 4:00, I was moving about, drinking tea and water. My first two pisses were as dark as coffee, so I knew I was pretty dehydrated. I must have drank two gallons of water that day.

To while away the time that evening, I worked some more on the family website, because I was sick to death of sleeping. I also watched a little of the Red Dwarf DVD. I rather like Red Dwarf. It’s a sci-fi comedy from the BBC. The main character iis Dave Lister, a chicken soup machine repairman with dreads. He’s on a mining ship that was damaged by a radioactive explosion, and because he was in cryogenic suspension, he susrvived. The ship’s senile computer, Holly, waited until the radiation levels were safe before resurrecting him, three million years in the future. His other companions are Arnold Rimmer, his former superior resurrected as a hologram, and Cat, a creature evolved from Lister’s smuggled-aboard pet named Frankenstein. Think Star Trek: Deep Throat 9 meets Fawlty Towers meets Quark. It’s funny.

Wednesday Dec 20

I spent the day uploading new material to Replies and Forwards, and listening to the radio. It takes quite a lot of time uploading posts, and I had fallen behind since August. I got a lot done, though. I made some chicken soup from some broth I had frozen long ago, some veggies, and some kluski. It was good, and kept me well fed and warm for the day.

I watched Gothika, finally. I’d seen parts of it here and there, but had never watched it all the way through. It was pretty good; suspenseful. A little out there with the ghosts and all. The part where Halle Berry slides into the pool and sinks to the bottom unnoticed was a bit unbelievable. First of all, how did she get to the bottom of the pool? How did she hold her breath for so long? And how did she do it so noiselessly that those who were looking for her didn’t hear her? Other than that, it was very watchable, and the ending, while it was predictable, I could see where people would be surprised by it.

Thursday Dec 21

I went to the library and took out a couple of more movies: The Village, Frank Herbert’s Children of Dune, and another movie that was so memorable that I can’t remember what it was. The rest of th eday, I spent working on the web. My nose was still clogged, and I I was still being wracked by fits of uncontrollable coughing. I watched THe Village and the other movie, and started watching Children of Dune.

The Village was quite an interesting story. Set in the late 1800′s, it told of a small village somewhere in the Northeast, which was cut off from the outside world by killer beasts in the forest. It was an engrossing movie, and I couldn’t stop watching it. However, when the blind girl was sent into the towns on the other side of the woods, I becamse suspicious. I wn’t say anything else, except that I was right.

Friday Dec 22

I watched the rest of Children of Dune. It was relatively close to the books Dune Messiah and Children of Dune, as far as storyline, dialogue, and character interactions and development. However, I think the three best parts of the movie were Daniela Amavia, Julie Cox, and Jessica Brooks. They are three very beautiful women. I wouldn’t mind spending some time with any, or all of them, individually, or all at the same time.

I spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening working on th ewebsite, and surfing the net. Finally going stir crazy, and in spite of the fact that I was still battling the cold, I decided to retire to the corner pub for a fish fry and some Billie Piper. She’s another hottie. Pity, I was a junior in high school when she was born. In any event, I was incredibly disappointed when I found out she is leaving Dr. Who, to be replaced by Freema Agyeman, a Ghanaian and Iranian mix. Would she be a mulatto, or no? I’m not sure, but she is a good looking girl. I’m sure I won’t be disappointed.

Saturday Dec 23

More work on the family website. I’m getting sick of this cold. It needs to go away.

I return to the library to get Scream, Fantastic Planet, and The Chronicles of Narnia – The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I’m not sure I will like the third one, as I tried reading the book more than several years ago, and C.S. Lewis bores the HELL out of me. Maybe that’s why born-agains like him so much.

I spend the rest of the night skinning for the family website, and doing background work, and retire much later than I wanted to.


I finish writing this tome, while listening to the Bills game. It’s a good game, and I wish I could have gone. However, even had I been able to go, I don’t know that I would have, considering that I’m still suffering from that cold. I’ve been coughing, and blowing my nose all week long. It’s annoying. The cough is almost gone, but my sinuses keep draining. that’s the worst of it. The constant sneezing and blowing of my nose, the snot draining, the sniffling, and so on.

And now the Bills lost, so the season’s over. That sucks. I figured they’d go 9-7 over the season, and now it looks like they’re going to be 7-9.

Merry fucking Christmas.

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