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Saturday the 21st of September 2024 05:19:23 AM

June 18, 2007

Stumble It!Another Goodbye

Filed under: Friends — Eric Ptak @ 8:09 am

A friend of mine had her last day at work on Friday. She’s cute, and we used to talk a little here and there. For a long time, we had cubes next to each other, but we were never intimate. Then, she went out for surgery, and I was promoted, and for the last several months, all the time we spent was when we could go our back in the evening for a cigarette.

She was working a full-time job, with me part-time, taking classes, and doing things with her family. She tried to go to the gym when she could. She also had an internship coming up. Time was a very valuable commodity. Since she came back, her new supervisor was giving her grief, and when something had to go, of course the choice was easy.

Unfortunately, I’ll miss working with her. But we will go out, sometimes.

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