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Saturday the 21st of September 2024 05:27:19 PM

November 7, 2005

Stumble It!Looking for Sauerkraut Recipes

Filed under: Food — Eric Ptak @ 4:04 pm

I bought a large head of cabbge and I want to make sauerkraut. So first I went to
and got a lot of recipes with things to do with sauerkraut, but not how to make it. It’s amazing how many chocolate cake recipes there are that use sauerkraut. It didn’t help me, though.

So I Googled “how to make sauerkraut” and got a few results I liked.

So basically, to make sauerkraut, you need 5 things: a crock or bucket, shredded cabbage, salt, a weight, and time. It takes about 2 weeks to complete fermentation. And this is the perfect time of year to make it.

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