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Saturday the 21st of September 2024 01:42:56 PM

May 28, 2007

Stumble It!Doctor Who and Women

Filed under: TV and Movies — Eric Ptak @ 9:52 pm

I’ve been watching a lot of the new Dr. Who series, the ones starring Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant as the Doctor, Billie Piper and Freema Agyeman as his female interests Rose Tyler and Martha Jones, respectively. I like the series, it appeals to the techno-geek inside me. The main character is this mysterious ultra-smart, suave, sophisticated, time-traveler who has hot chicks that are into him. It’s every techie’s dream, to go on incredible adventures throughout the universe, throughout space and in time, and to have a hot chick at your side.

If only life were so kind, so much like a fairy-tale.

Some of the episodes bring on nostalgia and sadness, like the last one with David Eccleston, or the last Billie Piper episode. She’s a hot piece of property, and I was sad to see her go. The last one I saw was with Freema, where the Doctor gives her a key to the TARDIS. That one really kind of brought on some heartfelt pangs. It’s like he’s falling in love with her, and that’s a bad thing. It’s bad because it’s often not a good thing to fall in love with someone. I could feel the hurt, the hurt that comes with love lost and the knowledge that it’s coming.

Maybe that’s why I’ve been feeling so nostalgic. I’ve been itchy over the last few days for female companionship, but I haven’t met anyone recently that intrigues me. There are a couple of girls at work, but one’s married with children, and another’s still in her wild years, drinking and partying (not to mention about 13 years my junior). I haven’t seen any chicks at the bar worth doing anything with – all the same old rags, so to speak. And at the gym, well, that’s not much of a pickup joint for me. I’m there to work out and run, not get my dick wet (even though there are some hotties there).

It’s been 6 years since the breakup with the ex, and I still haven’t found anyone that means anything to me. It’s like I don’t care anymore. I’ve tried, believe me, I’ve tried to have relationships with various women, but none of them worked out. Some worked out less then others, and some, well, shouldn’t have been at all. But I was trying.

Lately, though, I’ve been in a shell, so to speak. I’ve been in a zone where I don’t really want to deal with anyone. I want to be at work plugging along, or at the gym trying to get rid of this pot belly, or at the bar working on that pot belly, or surfing the net watching silly videos on YouTube, veoh, dailymotion, or any number of video sites, or cooking all sorts of food, or sleeping. Notice, how none of this is interacting with anyone else.

That’s the zone I’ve been in. I just don’t want to deal with anyone. It isn’t anything against anyone in particular or everyone in general, I just feel the need to be alone. It’s hard to describe to people. A month ago, one of the guys at the bar was bugging me about chicks, and asking me why I don’t have a girlfriend/wife. He just didn’t understand that at that time, I was not ready to deal with a chick, and I just didn’t want that hassle in my life.

But now, watching Billie and Freema, seeing that emotional connection, missing that feeling, it makes me want to get involved with women again. The question is, where the hell am I going to find a hot chick that likes Star Trek, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, Eureka, and Dr. Who?

In my dreams?

1 Comment »

  1. I got my pot belly from drinking a lot of beer. now i have to do a lot of Cardio to remove my pot belly.`-;

    Comment by Jordan Edwards — May 5, 2010 @ 4:04 am

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